Email Timeline: Lotus Notes to Outlook Conversion using best tool

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Lotus Notes to Outlook Conversion using best tool

MS Outlook & IBM Lotus Notes are the most reliable email client applications that we that prefer for our business purpose. Their main purpose is to send/receive emails, manage contacts, notes etc. Though both enjoy their professional Excellency but still MS Outlook has upper hand in terms of wide acceptance. That is why people look for NSF to PST Converter even if they are using Lotus Notes in their organisation. Now the reasons behind this conversion are:

  • The technology used in Lotus Notes is quite complex & becomes difficult for novice users to understand it. Hence proper training is provided in order to make the user adroit. On the other hand just by working 2or 3 times on MS Outlook user gains enough amount of knowledge that he/she can start working on it easily.
  • The installation & maintenance cost of IBM Lotus is quite high which naturally repels most of the organisations from using it.
  • Technology difference is a real problem for tech supporters. Same is the case when NSF proficient goes on the client site which uses MS Outlook. Then he needs NSF to PST Converter tool for completing his job, that to on condition that the client machine should at least have Lotus installed in it.
  • Due to high cost of installation & maintenance it seems unnecessary to use IBM Lotus on home premises even if the user uses it in his/her office because of the presence of  convenient MS Outlook.
  • These were certain points due to which MS Outlook is considered as a better option for email clients. Hence Lotus user looks for prominent NSF to PST converter so that their data remain safe & authentic for long time. There are number of vendors available in online market who affirm for better NSF to PST conversion, but it is advisable for user to go through all the features mentioned by the vendor before choosing any software.

One such tool is Stellar Phoenix NSF to PST Converter which converts NSF File into usable PST file. It not only converts NSF file into PST file format but also in .EML & .MSG formats. It is capable of converting NSF file into three unique formats, offers selective content conversion and provides preview before actual conversion. It is specially designed interactive & user friendly for all users. Last but not the least it is compatible with Lotus Notes Versions – 8.5, 8.0.2, 7.0, 6.5, 6.0, Outlook Versions - 2010 / 2007 / 2003 / 2002 (XP) / 2000, Windows OS Versions – Windows 7 / Vista / XP / 2003 / 2000 .

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